The Center for Beef Excellence is pleased to announce the start of a series of Producer focused programs that will look at adding opportunities for producers within the state. CBE is in the process of developing the PA Bull Credit Program to assist Pennsylvania beef producers in purchasing quality bulls that will enhance the value of feeder steers going to market as well as replacement heifers added to their herds.
This will be a hybrid program working with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s satellite location at the Livestock Evaluation Center and their Bull Test Sale to offer a credit to Pennsylvania beef producers who purchase Pennsylvania born and raised bulls that have been on test
and qualify for the sale each year.
The goal of this program is to create more marketing opportunities for PA beef producers. It is the plan of CBE to improve the quality of feeder cattle in Pennsylvania to allow them to be better positioned to enter feed lots which will improve the price producers receive for their cattle.
The program will reimburse Pennsylvania producers $1,000 towards the purchase of a qualifying bull. Producers must complete an application and submit it along with a copy of the paid invoice for their bull to the Center for Beef Excellence. Credits will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. One credit per producer. Please look for further details in upcoming issues of the PCA’s Keystone Cattlemen.
Requirements to qualify for the credit:
For more information, please contact the Center for Beef Excellence by email: or by phone: 570-687-3150.